As the War on Terror re-run begins in Gaza, the Muslim House Negro Corps will have a new lease on life. They must be stopped
Now is a critical moment before the war machine really gets rolling
It has taken me a few days to collect my thoughts on the situation in Palestine. That post is still working itself out in my mind, so please forgive me there. It will come in its time.
What seems increasingly possible is that the same Atlanticist zog people who brought you all the stunning success and American prosperity with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now want you to rally around the flag not just for Ukraine, but for Israel as well. If things get out of hand, we may headed towards WW3 — certainly that is what the Fourth Turning theory might predict. But any sort of prediction right now is purely speculation, as the number of variables at play geopolitically are incredibly complex.
What is not complex, however, is the following: if we are entering a War on Terror rerun timeline, we have the benefit of hindsight in terms of knowing what worked and what did not. What follows are some initial thoughts, which I hope to add to over time.
I have prepared the following set, consisting of three parts.
The first part will be about what Western Muslims did that failed ("The Failure").
The second is my prediction as to what will happen now if we don't wake up ("What Happens Next...").
The third bit is some early thoughts on what Muslims might try instead ("...Unless...").
Keep in mind that these are early thoughts. I hope to use this format in future posts.
The Failure: Muslim engagement in government and media. It doesn't matter if there are Muslims in the National Security Council, advising the President, or mulling about Downing Street. It doesn't matter that you created a docuseries or Netflix show highlighting that Muslims do not, in fact, drink the blood of children. It doesn't matter if you host fancy parties for diplomats or attend the White House Iftar. If Israel feels threatened, all that shall be thrown out the window, and literal tears will be shed for Jews on national television while Muslims will be cast as cockroaches. Transparently false accusations will be tweeted out to millions to feed the war propaganda machine.
Every single Muslim with a beating heart should internalize the blackpill on this issue.
What Happens Next...: As the war drums beat ever more loudly, the Regime will, just as last time, begin to promote a select corps of house negro Muslims to keep the rest of us in line. Many of them are likely to be the same individuals, and they deserve to be named: people like Wajahat Ali, Haroon Moghul, Abdullah Antepli, Farah Pandith, anyone associated with the Gülen terror network or MPAC or "countering violent extremism" (CVE), Emirati and Egyptian diplomatic staff, 99% of Muslim-origin think tankers in the Blob, etc. They will enter the government, media, advocacy, and academia in droves. These folks are salivating right now. They have another lease on life, to don a cape, to soak up sweet government grants, to save the ummah from “extremist” thinking.
The Regime will also reinstate the surveillance state, but this time, it will be in completely turbo gonzo Terminator mode.
Recall that in 2001, cellphone adoption was still in-process. But now, human beings might as well be considered part-cyborg, given the amount of tech we carry with us at all times. Population control systems were put in place for population control during COVID. Backdoors are built into all of our cellphones. The Hindutva lobby in SF will, like good little Pajeets, fall over themselves to ingratiate Big Tech to ZOG (I'm sorry Ravi, but Yael still finds you disgusting and will not marry you).
All the while, the West's moral collapse will continue. It will slowly lose even more of its stature in the world, just like in the last season of the WoT. To cope with this internal failure, Muslims will be scapegoated and returned to fifth columnist status by default. But decline will only accelerate.
...Unless...: This time around—thanks to X in large part—we see that the Regime is, in fact, split on philosemitism to an unprecedented degree. Ironically, this split came about in large part due to the war-weariness engendered by the first WoT in which Israel played a central role.
Now, a formidable anti-war bloc exists in both the American left and right. The anti-war bloc must unite and have a shared AMERICA FIRST orientation. This is more of a problem on the left than on the right. The left anti-war bloc is full tankie—they see the world through an outdated Fanonian decolonization lens, which can't really fake having any sense of patriotism. This hampers its appeal among ordinary Americans. Muslims should do their part to mainstream what Indian Bronson calls “right wing progressivism,” the anti-globalist idea that distinct cultures have distinct destinies and distinct visions of communal progression.
Muslims must grow a pair and reject all calls from the Muslim House Negro Corps (MHNC) to support any one political party unconditionally in this upcoming period. Many of us will still be surveilled, perhaps even jailed, stripped of citizenship...who knows? But this should scare you less this time around, however, because there are serious holes in the hull of S.S. Pax Americana. The ship may go down no matter what we do. But even if the patient’s diagnosis doesn't look good, Muslims should—with a desire to heal, aren't many of you guys doctors?— do their best to save America from disease.
Our message as Muslims should be: America must not destroy itself through foreign intervention that is not in its national interest.
(Relatedly, know that any American Muslim wholeheartedly supporting intervention in Ukraine has done you a favor and marked himself a complete tool. Yet I'm sure we will still have many American Muslims attempting to maintain an incoherent anti-Russia and anti-Israel stance at the same time).
Rather than sapping our energy abroad, let us instead renew American society domestically first. Once that is done, let's give America—wracked as it is by decadence—a completely new sense of mission that is post post-WW2 liberal internationalism (which, when you boil it down, simply means "Christians protecting Jews at all costs to atone for the guilt of the Holocaust").
Let us declare that the West has sufficiently atoned for the Sin of the Germans, and that there must be a new mission, a new moral imperative for America. What exactly that is requires far more space than is possible here.
I don’t have all the answers, but that is exactly why right now is an extremely critical moment. Muslim thinkers who vibe with the vision outlined here must meet and organize, whether virtually or in-person, and in a secure way. Find your people on Twitter. Send me an email. Offer whatever resources you can muster: your time, your money, your skillsets, your networks. Write your own post on this. At the very least, make du'a. That is something we all must do regardless.
And, as always, we must continuously spiritually renew ourselves by returning to Allah ﷻ in all of our states, asking Him to give us a Muhammadan heart, a Muhammadan vision, everlasting companionship with Rasulallah ﷺ in Paradise, understanding that all actions and all events in creation have come about solely through Allah's ﷻ will and permission.
وَاللَّهُ يَقُولُ الْحَقَّ وَهُوَ يَهْدِي السَّبِيلَ
And know that Allah ﷻ speaks the Truth and will guide to the Path.
This is a 100% serious question, and maybe I am dense for not understanding, but: why is it incoherent to be both anti-Russia and anti-Israel?
The MHNC terminology made me snort my coffee through my nose, but if I think about it seriously, I don't think it's productive. Name-calling won't do any good; differences of opinion are a good thing, not a bad thing, and we can engage with arguments on their merits without presuming bad faith.
I love it, AMERICA FIRST is a win for the Ummah and for the republic